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About Our Team

old brick retaining wall in front of newer red brick retaining wall, horizontal aspect

We provide our customers in Wilmington and surrounding areas in North Carolina with our excellent hardscaping services. We provide our customers with premium level service for a fair and highly competitive price. We can provide you with a variety of services that will greatly improve the aesthetics and functionality of your property. We can protect your soil against erosion with our segments retaining walls. We can also percent flooding and water damages by adding large block retaining walls. We can also enhance your curb appeal with our affordable salt finish concrete. This can lead to an increase in property value if you decide to sell. We are the one stop shop for all of your hardscaping needs.


We have very high standards when it comes to the excellent services that we provide to our customers. We employ a team of experienced and qualified workers. Our team possesses the full set of skills combined with top grade equipment and years of experience to get the job done. Our team also only use the finest building materials. This ensures that we uphold the highest standards on every job that we are hired for. This is key to our success as a business and it allows us to continue to grow and develop. If you would like to learn more about who we are or the work that we do, get in touch with us today by phone or via email.

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